Book trailer & being who I Am.

Hi everybody!

As I have been posting on Facebook and Twitter, the book trailer for My Mom’s a Supermodel is on Vimeo and you can check it out here:


Over the past couple of days I’ve been a little down about this campaign. Apart from the reads on Wattpad, I’m skeptic if anyone else I’ve emailed has read My Mom’s a Supermodel.

That feeling has left me with little to say and expect. So I’ve been quiet for a few days, not sure of anything much anymore.

But you know what? I remember writing way back when it was just me and my own little world. When I didn’t expect anything big. It was just me being me and writing the stories I loved in my bedroom.

There was no pressure from any high expectations. I just did what I did, silently.
And I’d love to get back to doing that again.
So whether I’ve got 100 people reading my story or just one loyal fan, I’ll still be editing and writing and posting and updating and carrying on with the campaign for the story I believe in.

I’ll keep on sacrificing the time I could have used watching my favorite music videos or strolling around the mall or going to parties or hanging out on social media for hours on end.

I’ve got a story and I believe in it. It’s called My Mom’s a Supermodel. And you can watch the trailer here.

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